Support Orders for WooCommerce

This extension allows you to quickly create replacement orders for an existing order. All line items are set to $0 automatically and no charges are made to the customer. This allows you to send out order replacements if the first shipment did not arrive or arrived damaged.

Download for free from GitHub.

How create a replacement support order

1. Find the order that you wish to create a replacement support order for.
2. Choose “Create support order” from the “Order Actions” dropdown on the order edit screen.
3. Make any edits you may need for the new replacement support order.
4. Switch the status to “processing”.

When a support order is created, an order note will be added to the original order and the replacement support order.

Free Download

Requires: WooCommerce 5.6.0 or higher

Download from GitHub

Other Options

Looking for more a more general order duplication plugin? Try the Clone Orders plugin sold through