How to Translate a DevPress Theme

Any DevPress theme can be translated into your own language. We include a .pot file for each theme and are also actively working with professional translators to bundle translations.

If your language is not supported yet, there’s two ways you can make a translation:


Transifex is a service we use to manage all our translations at DevPress. It provides an easy web interface to write translations, and tools to share your translations amongst all our themes.

If you’d like to get involved with the DevPress translation team, you can simply sign up for Transifex to join or request your own translation team.


The other way to make a translation is use PoEdit. It’s a free tool that can be downloaded here.

To create a new translation:

  • Select “New from POT/PO file” in the File Menu
  • Select the .pot file for the theme (it is located in “languages” directory)
  • Write a translation for each string
  • Save out your .po file (this will also generate a .mo file)
  • Copy these files back into the “language” directory of your theme

If you’d like to share that translation, e-mail it contact [at] and we’ll add it to our Transifex translation bank.

Curious if WordPress itself has been translated in your language? See translation status for all locales.