

  • Supports RTL users
  • Responsive (tablet device friendly)
  • Supports additional post formats: Image, Gallery, Audio, Video
  • Self aware widgets area (number of columns are dependent on number of widgets active, up to 3)
  • Logo uploader theme option
  • Custom Background theme option
  • Custom Menu with social media icons
  • Editor Style (theme’s style is used while writing / editing via WordPress editors)
  • Custom portfolio page template (display portfolio items on the front page)
  • Translation ready
  • Built on Hybrid Core 2.0
  • Supported Plugins:
    • Whistles (for tabs, accordions, and toggles)
    • Clean My Archives
    • Custom Content Portfolio
Self aware widgets area that changes columns depending on the number of widgets
Self aware widgets area that changes columns depending on the number of widgets
menu icons for linking to social media sites
icons added automatically when you link to social media sites
Divide content into multiple tabs using the Whistles plugin
Divide content into multiple tabs using the Whistles plugin
also through Whistles plugin, shorten your page length using toggles and accordions
also through Whistles plugin, shorten your page length using toggles and accordions
extra styles for notes, alerts, and download notifications
extra styles for notes, alerts, and download notifications
jazz up any article by adding  a featured paragraph with a drop-cap letter
jazz up any article by adding a featured paragraph with a drop-cap letter